KU ALL-Login system
We provide KU All-Login System Service for KU students, staff and temporary users in order to authenticating to the university’s network system and information systems.
KU All-Login is single sign-on authentication which is support users more security and more comfortable.
System Features:
- KU All-Login can stay logged in about 8 hours on systems.
- KU All-Login can access all the university information systems.
- Centralized management which is more security.
Applications on KU All-Login system:
- https://login.ku.ac.th
- https://kusmartp.ku.ac.th
- https://vpn.ku.ac.th
- https://cloudbox.ku.ac.th
- https://itsupport.ku.ac.th/Helpdesk
- https://edufarm.ku.ac.th
- https://hris.ku.ac.th
- Internal Affairs Division Systems