KU-Microsoft Office 365 Account
Kasetsart University has partnerships with Microsoft (Thailand)Co.,Ltd to provide Microsoft Office 365 for Education; KU-Microsoft Office 365 Account for KU Student and Staff via email (@live.ku.th).
- Microsoft Word on cloud
- Microsoft Excel on cloud
- Microsoft PowerPoint on cloud
- OneDrive
- OneNote
- Mail (@live.ku.th)
- Calendar
- Outlook
- SharePoint
- Teams
- Yammer
- Planner
- PowerApps
- To do
- Flow
- others
a. Go to website; https://accounts.ku.ac.th for personal identify.
How to using:
a. Go to website; https://www.office.com/ or http://365.ku.ac.th/ with @live.ku.th account
More information:
a. Sending email to helpdesk@ku.ac.th
b. By phone: 0-2562-0951-6 Att. 622541-43